Counselling and Psychotherapy Services in Edinburgh

The following are some local agencies which offer counselling and psychotherapy services to individuals and in some cases couples, children or families.
These organisations will likely have waiting lists and/or be closed for new registrations at different points throughout the year. Please see each organisation’s own website for the most up-to-date information.

Generic Counselling Agencies

PF Counselling Service

NEECS (available to people in the North East of Edinburgh)


The Links Counselling Service

First Psychology Edinburgh

Edinburgh Institute for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Whole Works Complementary Therapy and Counselling Centre

Health in Mind

Specialist Counselling/other Organisations

Edinburgh and Lothian Council on Alcohol (ELCA)

Bright Light Relationship Counselling


CRUSE Scotland - Bereavement support

Individual practioners who offer counselling/psychotherapy for individuals and/or couples, children or families.  Details of practitioners can be found through their professional organisations

BACP - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

COSCA - Confederations of Scottish Counselling Agencies

UKCP-UK - Council for Psychotherapy

Lists maintained by other organisations


Edinburgh Counselling Agencies


Information on counselling services is provided here for information purposes only.  The University does not accept any liability for any purchase of counselling services by a member of staff, and the obtaining of such counselling services is entirely at the member of staff's own risk