The information you provide will be used by the University to provide a confidential counselling service for Staff. Where do we get your personal data from?We receive and hold personal data about you from the following sourcesYour registration form - submitted by you online or on paper - an any other information you have provided to the Service (e.g. by phone, in person, or via email) From third party sources e.g. GP, University staff.Purpose for processingWe use the information you provide to record your contact with us and to keep a summary record of information shared by you, by session, in order to provide an ethical counselling service. We set out in Uses of your data the purposes for which we will process your personal data in detail.Legal basesWe keep the personal data you provide for five years after your last contact with the Service. There is more than one legal basis for the use of your information. The appropriate legal basis for each purpose of use is noted against each category in Table 1. A brief explanation of each legal basis is noted below:Article 6 (1) (a), Consent – on specific occasions we will only process certain data if you consent e.g. when you attend for an assessment appointment we ask you to complete a questionnaire.Article 6 (1) (b), necessary for the performance of our Therapeutic Contract – we will process your data to enable us to meet our commitments to you in providing a confidential counselling service.Article 6 (1) (c), when processing is necessary for the Legitimate interest of the University over the interests of the data subject (e.g. when we record concern expressed about a member of staff/client by a third party)Information will only be shared at your requestif there is a clinical or legal obligation to do soif we believe you or a third party is in serious danger, we may share information with appropriate University staff or other appropriate services e.g. Professional Services staff, your General Practitioner (GP), other NHS services, Police.If you write to us in Gaelic, we may be using a third party translator to translate your message into English and our response back into Gaelic.Ma sgrìobhas sibh litir no post-d thugainn sa Ghàidhlig, tha e comasach gun cleachd sinn eadar-theangair airson do theachdaireachd eadar-theangachadh bhon Ghàidhlig gu Beurla agus freagairt air ais dhan a’ Ghàidhlig. If you have any questions please contactKatie McBain, Administration Manager privacy statement is continued on our Records Management website Continued privacy statement This article was published on 2023-11-22